
Latest RasPBX based on Rasbian Stretch fails to start network interface and or FreePBX Intermittently

  • Digital-Cipher

    Digital-Cipher - 2017-10-08

    Hi all

    I have been testing the latest RasPBX build (raspbx-03-10-2017) image and i have found that intermittently the Pi network interface (eth0) and or sometimes freePBX demon fails to start, if i reboot a few time eventually interface eth0 and FreePBX start correctly
    I have tried different SD cards and even a MSATA drive and all are the same, but they work fine with RasPBX build raspbx-28-01-2017
    Is this a known bug in RasPBX or Rasbian stretch and is there a fix.

  • Gernot

    Gernot - 2017-10-08

    Thank you for reporting this issue. Are eth0 and the services finally starting reliably after rebooting the image a few times, or is it a problem that appears once in a while on every boot of this image? I think I also saw this once but then the problem disappeared.

    I have added a known issue on the download page, and will report back here as soon as there is a fix.

  • Gernot

    Gernot - 2017-10-09

    The issue has been resolved, and there is a new image available on the download page.
    If you don't want to reinstall everything again, you can easily patch your image by replacing the contents of /etc/systemd/system/mkzram.service with:

    Description=Enable compressed swap in memory using zram

    Then call

    systemctl disable mkzram.service
    systemctl enable mkzram.service
  • Digital-Cipher

    Digital-Cipher - 2017-10-13

    Hi Gernot

    I can confirm the new image raspbx-10-10-2017.img works a treat and is very stable booting etc, thank you for your fast responce in sorting this problem

  • Digital-Cipher

    Digital-Cipher - 2017-10-13

    To add another note, im using the Pi Desktop case with the mSata convertor with RasPBX and it really helps to give my RasPBX project a working power up/shutdown function and MSata storage/reliability for the RasPBX OS. Ive always found the weak link in Raspberry Pi projects is the SD card


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