Alan - 2020-06-18

Back last 28th November 19 I installed Asterisk 16.6.1 & FreePBX using a pre-built image which I burned to an SD card on a Rasp Pi 4. This still seems to be the current image.
(BTW, I've been running Asterisk 13 & FreePBX 13 on a Pi Zero for many years). After configuring, including setting – Advanced Settings “Set Module Admin to Edge Mode” to Yes, I downloaded about 25 modules. This all went OK and I left it while I concentrated on Home Automation on the Pi 4.

Today I decided it was time to migrate, so the first thing was to go to PBX Admin/Updates.Update modules and update over 25 modules. This produced numerous errors that there was no such file in the(/var/www/html/admin/modules/cache

I deleted all the files in the cache directory and on restart got file /etc/dahdi/modules does not exist. So I created that and ran fwconsole chown I still had errors and from a similar issue noted in another forum I ran cd /var/lib/asterisk/bin then ./fwconsole ma upgrade framework --tag This brought most modules up-to-date and a little later I update the final 3.

However, I still have a Apply Config - error

Reload failed because retrieve_conf encountered an error: 1 exit: 1
Unknown Error. Please Run /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf

I ran /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf but got

Unable to continue. Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; digium_phones has a deprecated constructor in /var/www/html/admin/modules/digium_phones/classes/digium_phones.php on line 31
#0 /var/www/html/admin/modules/digium_phones/ Whoops\Run->handleError(8192, 'Methods with th...', '/var/www/html/a...', 31, 
#1 /var/www/html/admin/modules/digium_phones/ include_once()
#2 /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf(586): digium_phones_conf->__construct()
#3 {main}

From another forum I saw to run fwconsole ma install array but got

Unable to install module array:
 - Cannot find module
Updating Hooks...Done
In Hooks.class.php line 254:
  Cant find FreePBX\modules\Api
moduleadmin [-f|--force] [-d|--debug] [--edge] [--ignorecache] [--stable] [--color] [--skipchown] [-e|--autoenable] [--skipdisabled] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--format FORMAT] [-R|--repo REPO] [-t|--tag TAG] [--sendemail] [--onlystdout] [--] [<args>]...

I tried fwconsole reload but got

Reloading FreePBX
Error(s) have occured, the following is the retrieve_conf output:
exit: 1
Unknown Error. Please Run /var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf

So, I'm stuck with Apply config giving these errors.

Suggestions welcome. If a fresh start is the best option I would consider that but not from an SD card image as I need to keep my Home Automation set up. I would need a tar file or similar.

Thanks for reading this long post


Last edit: Alan 2020-06-18