
FreePBX 16 release

  • Geoff Tothill

    Geoff Tothill - 2021-12-18

    Firstly, thanks to everyone who has worked on this amazing project. I have a Raspbx installation in my home running multiple extensions to and from a wide variety of upstream trunking providers. I back it up but beyond that it just does its job, day in and day out.
    I noitice that FreePBX 16 has recently migrasted from beta to GA and I wondered if there were any plans to make this version available in Raspbx? I may have missed something and this is already possible, but I thought I would ask. All the best.

  • Geoff Tothill

    Geoff Tothill - 2022-06-04

    Bump :-) Anybody know the answer to this?

  • Ronald Raikes

    Ronald Raikes - 2022-06-06

    FreePBX (15 or 16) + Asterisk (15, 16, 17, 18, or 19) on Buster or Bullseye (32- or 64-bit) is available in:

    FreePBX for the Raspberry Pi


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