
Has anyone succeeded with Cisco video at correct resolutions lately?

  • sfemping

    sfemping - 2019-03-27

    Has anyone got Cisco video working at proper resolution recently?

    (Long story short - the SDP negotiation to work out the best shared format between handsets certainly didn't originally work between Cisco handsets - this results in the lowest format being selected. Blocky CIF video!)

    I know there were some patches a while back, but I couldn't establish if these had now been integrated in some way, or updated at all. Maybe someone with better google-fu has had more luck! (I couldn't find much that looked relevant following commentary about the original patches and the "a=imageattr" parameter in 2014.

    I'm surprised this isn't more popular, given how cheaply used phones like 8941 or 8945 are available now.

  • sfemping

    sfemping - 2019-03-28

    To add to the above, I'm specifically interested if anyone knows (or can work out!) if the original cisco video patches from:

    are now included either in the main code somehow, or included as part of the following (maintained) "USECALLMANAGER" patch below:

    I grep'd the USECALLMANGER patch and there does seem to be stuff in there about imageattr and so on that is relevant to the SDP negotiation, but I'm not a coder, so I'm rather out of my depth!

    ...any help appreciated, thanks!

  • sfemping

    sfemping - 2019-04-05

    OK... I've progressed this a little but it's one step forward, one step back. (Need some advice about whether I need to recompile or update chan_dongle module if recompiling the main asterisk to a later version?)

    I figured out how to recompile asterisk on Pi2 using Gernot's guide: (Thanks!)

    and built a version 13.25.0 (using that version's source) and put the patch from the following link (USECALLMANGER) in the spec file. It seemed to report that it patched OK and compiled.

    I'd grep'd this patch and noticed that it contained 640x480 resolution instructions from previous patches for Cisco video SDP format "negotiation", except this seems to be maintained still.

    The good news is that it seemed to work for Cisco video OK on 8945 handsets at the appropriate resolution (for those handsets, I had to make them 'usecallmanager' handsets by adding the following to /etc/asterisk/sip_custom_post.conf (eg. for extension 5111)

    cisco_usecallmanager=yes ; Enable Cisco phone features

    BUT... I later found that all voice/calls in or out of chan_dongle were failing. SMS inbound and forwarding to email was working, as was outbound via the web interface, but voice calls out were failing with CHAN_UNAVAILABLE - trying to call out on a device that couldn't make calls at that time etc. Inbound calls were not answered but I didn't get to checking the logs on that.

    The dongle channel seemed to be loaded, and SMS was working, but I've reverted to the version from Gernot's repository (13.24.1) without the patch, and now chan_dongle is working correctly again.

    I've taken a look at the link below, but I'm unclear if I need to be rebuilding chan_dongle, or quite how, because I moved to 13.25.0, or if Gernot usually compiles with some other patches etc?

  • Gernot

    Gernot - 2019-04-06

    There is only one patch included in the RasPBX build of Asterisk:

    I try to stay away from adding patches to the main build usually, because it is just too risky.
    But it is true that modules like chan_dongle or others have to be recompiled once in a while whenever the base Asterisk is built. There is a version check between Asterisk and the modules. Most of the time they are compatible, but sometimes modules have to be rebuilt as well.

  • sfemping

    sfemping - 2019-04-08

    Thanks Gernot - again for the effort in maintaining all of this and your forum support.

    How would I know if the chan_dongle that I have on the system passed the version check? (Would it fail to load if it failed the check?)

  • Gernot

    Gernot - 2019-04-14

    Yes exactly. If the versions are incompatible the module fails to load.


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