resreco - 2015-08-26


I'm using raspbx as a SMS2Mail Gateway, so that incoming SMS will be forwarded to a mail-address.

Everything worked fine but since a few days I got this error message:

WARNING[10455] at_response.c: [dongle0] Error parsing incoming message '+CMGR: 0,,73
07911497949900F0040B911497128561F33900518062019062803D............and so on....................' at possition 50: Unhandled PID value, only SMS supported

When I copy the incoming SMS PDU and use an online SMS Decoder like, decoding the SMS works fine.

I've done some research but didn't found any helpful advice or solution.

Maybe some of you guys has an idea, what to do to get the service going.

My system:
- Asterisk 11.18.0
- 2x Huawei E1750

If you need more information, just let me know.