Activity for rasp-spect

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [723718]

    add image

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [6ce4e9]

    fixed motor bug, added position progress

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [979f49]

    interactions with new astrovideoguide (sum frames)

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [bb737b]

    added another spectrometer on RPi

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [76d611]

    add image

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [38185d]

    Add process management & switching of image str...

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [2d480a]

    alpha stage

  • Edward V. Emelianov committed [927d4a]

    first commit