01.01.06 - writing a new version of internet cafe
- add new sections and new content, more
details and hints
- ICS version 1.2.1
27.12.05 - rarbrute version 2.1 final is ready
- fixed a bug:
use an error exception when you have
typed letters after [-n]
26.12.05 - fixed some bugs:
error message when $2 != "-d" and $2 != "-
- you need "file" to test the file input on
your system:
( a valid test status must be: "RAR" for
$1 )
if: file -b $1 | cut -b 0-3 != "RAR":
print an error message
- add all words in the wordlist in uppercase
and "57yl3d" notation to the wordlist:
2400 words are written in the file now
- documenting the script a bit more and a
byte better
- error exceptions for option "-n", if a
file is given