
Raptor / News: Recent posts

What's new?

Our SWT/JFace integration has begun. All the latest (and greatest) changes can be found within cvs. We're still not ready for a release, but we're working towards this goal. See our home page ( for some ideas and links to other resources that might help. The cvs repository ( also provides examples on some of the latest developments. We are pushing all of efforts into making RCP application development easier which means more SWT/JFace integration and less Swing.... read more

Posted by Terry R. Dye 2005-10-21

alpha 0.2 released

See the Change Log for the release for details.

Posted by Thomas Goertz 2003-12-17

First release available

We are pleased to anounce that the first release of raptor can be downloaded

Posted by Andreas Mecky 2003-12-12

HowTo's are online

The Docbook was a bit tricky, but the HowTo's are finally online. Had to some merging of XML files that weren't 100% docbook compliant. Check out the HowTo's to get an idea of what Raptor is about.

Posted by Terry R. Dye 2003-11-25

alpha 0.1 released

The alpha release stage of Raptor has started. The easiest way to get to know Raptor is via the tests and examples. Currently everything is in cvs. The release is what we use with our customers. The class files. Documentation and javadoc needs to be generated still. The team is starting to reassemble after the summer holidays. If there are questions concerning the project, send those questions our way.

Posted by Terry R. Dye 2003-11-12