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File Date Author Commit
 doc 2015-02-08 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [094d12] Doc / web site update for 0.62 version.
 lua_src 2015-01-23 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [bd812e] Lua_src : support the '!=' operator, as in Oblige.
 misc 2015-02-03 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [d07d04] Version bump.
 prog 2015-02-08 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [8800bc] Added extra choice for 'AI Speed' setting, and ...
 src 2015-10-30 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [2a23b8] aj_random : tweak case when s1 == 0 when settin...
 viewer 2015-02-04 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [542189] Viewer : debug tweak.
 .hgignore 2015-01-24 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [2a14f1] .hgignore
 GPL3.txt 2014-08-25 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [433e10] Checked in the GNU General Public License v3 te...
 Makefile 2014-08-03 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [2eff62] Makefile.xming : fixed a missing -I
 Makefile.xming 2015-02-02 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [b978b4] Makefile.xming : added -static-libgcc and -stat...
 README.txt 2015-02-02 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [e86485] README.txt : updated to match changes to web-page.
 TODO.txt 2015-02-07 Andrew Apted Andrew Apted [a150d4] TODO update.

Read Me

RandTrack README

by Andrew Apted  |  February 2015


RandTrack is a program which generates random racing tracks
for the game 'The Need For Speed 1' (NFS1).  It supports both
the original game and the Special Edition (NFS1 SE), but only
the special edition has been well tested.

This is the second public release of this program, and it is
a long way from being finished.  While it can generate all the
tracks of the game, most of them are very minimal (not much to
see).  Only the following tracks are working well:

   *  Rusty Springs (TR1)
   *  Autumn Valley (TR2)
   *  Vertigo Ridge (TR3)

Development of the other tracks is planned for the future.


First, unpack the zip somewhere (e.g. My Documents).  Make sure
it is extracted with folders, and that the RandTrack.EXE file has
been extracted too (some versions of Windows will skip an EXE
unless a setting in the Internet control panels is changed).

Run the program by double clicking the RandTrack icon (the EXE).
Select which game you want to build tracks for, then you will need
to set the folder (on your hard drive) where the game has been
installed.  RandTrack will then make a backup of the original
game tracks, and you can restore them at any later time.

Pressing the 'BUILD' button will generate a set of new tracks.
The Seed value is important, using the same seed will produce the
exact same tracks, so remember to press 'NEW' if you want to make
a different set of tracks.  (You don't need to press 'NEW' if you
close and restart RandTrack).

The following license (the GNU GPL v3) covers the executable,
the Lua scripts, and most of the source code:

|  RandTrack : track generator for NFS1
|  Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Andrew Apted
|  RandTrack is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
|  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
|  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License,
|  or (at your option) any later version.
|  RandTrack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
|  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
|  GNU General Public License for more details.
|  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
|  along with this software.  If not, please visit the following
|  web page:
See the file 'GPL3.txt' in a source or binary package for the
complete text of the GNU GPLv3.  This license covers the
executable, the Lua scripts, and the source code.

RandTrack uses a modified version of the Lua 5.1.5 scripting
language, which is Copyright 1994-2012, PUC-Rio.
This code is under a permissive "MIT" license

The GUI toolkit used is the FLTK widget library, v1.3, which is
licensed under the GNU LGPL.  For more information please visit
their web-site:




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