
Tree [cc2a70] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 examples 2022-03-15 antononcube antononcube [e6969f] feat:Implementation of Bulgarian of stand alone...
 lib 2022-04-02 antononcube antononcube [cc2a70] refactor!:Moved the pipeline interpretation com...
 resources 2022-03-20 antononcube antononcube [1fb6ba] build:Added shell resource file.
 t 2022-03-20 antononcube antononcube [350d17] test:Tests for determined Bulgarian words.
 .gitignore 2020-07-19 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [3f64ea] Initial commit
 LICENSE 2020-07-19 antonocube antonocube [183102] Using Artistic License 2.0
 META6.json 2022-04-02 antononcube antononcube [cc2a70] refactor!:Moved the pipeline interpretation com... 2020-07-22 antonocube antonocube [58f05f] Added installation instructions.

Read Me

Raku DSL::Shared

This repository provides a Raku package for shared utilities and (grammar) roles in the package context "DSL::".

("DSL" stands for "Domains Specific Language".)

The initial versions of the code in this repository can be found in the GitHub repository [AAr1].


1. Install Raku (Perl 6) : .

2. Make sure you have Zef Module Installer.

3. Open a command line program. (E.g. Terminal on Mac OS X.)

4. Run the commands:

zef install


One of the reasons for making this package is to encapsulate and easily share utilities for making DSL translators.

Here are "the first wave" utilities:

  • Modify token patterns to include fuzzy matching

  • Merge two or more roles into one


Another reason for making this package is to encapsulate and easily share grammar roles for making DSL translators.

Here are "the first wave" roles:

  • Error handling role

  • Common English terms and phrases role used in workflows from Machine Learning, Data Science, or Scientific Computing

  • Predicate specification role

How to use





[AAr1] Anton Antonov, Conversational Agents at GitHub.