
#74 company overview


Hey guys

Just tried 1856 on Rails and it would be really useful if the screen with all the companies and their trains was visible at all times. Now it shows 1 company at the bottom of the map most of the time and only sometimes shows them all. Maybe a seperate window with company info would be a nice feature, I would use it all the time. Would be nice if it showed ramaining trains in the bank of each type and the game phase and the active operating round/stock round.


David op De Beeck


Feature Requests: #74


  • Chris Shaffer

    Chris Shaffer - 2018-05-16

    I suggest you join the rails-users mailing list and ask interface questions there.

    There are several views available at all times. The "Status" view shows all companies and player holdings, and is the default view during stock rounds. The "Map" view shows the map and the companies in operating order. During an operating round, the "Map" view defaults to showing only the active company.

    In the event you have a large monitor, you can configure Rails to show you all the windows at all times. However, the different default views are essential for viewing on a laptop or tablet.

    • David op De Beeck


      You are right, all data I need is in the status window, I don't know how I missed that.

      Cheers, thanks for the help


      On 16 May 2018 at 16:05, <Chris Shaffer=""> wrote:

      I suggest you join the rails-users mailing list and ask interface questions there.

      There are several views available at all times. The "Status" view shows all companies and player holdings, and is the default view during stock rounds. The "Map" view shows the map and the companies in operating order. During an operating round, the "Map" view defaults to showing only the active company.

      In the event you have a large monitor, you can configure Rails to show you all the windows at all times. However, the different default views are essential for viewing on a laptop or tablet.

      [feature-requests:#74] company overview

      Status: open
      Group: Next_Release_(example)
      Created: Tue May 15, 2018 06:33 AM UTC by David op De Beeck
      Last Updated: Tue May 15, 2018 06:33 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Hey guys

      Just tried 1856 on Rails and it would be really useful if the screen with all the companies and their trains was visible at all times. Now it shows 1 company at the bottom of the map most of the time and only sometimes shows them all. Maybe a seperate window with company info would be a nice feature, I would use it all the time. Would be nice if it showed ramaining trains in the bank of each type and the game phase and the active operating round/stock round.


      David op De Beeck

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      Feature Requests: #74

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