
#66 Detach company list from map


Currently, the map window also contains the list of companies.

While the motivation for having this is clear (user needs this information simultaneously), there are constellations for which this is not desired:

I use two monitors (left-right) and have plenty of space horizontally. Therefore, I'd prefer to have the list of companies left or right of the map.

The proposed solution would be to detach the company list and put it into a stand-alone window (or detach the map analogously).


  • Erik Vos

    Erik Vos - 2011-11-24

    Originally, Rails had separate windows for the map and the OR status panel.
    Brett Lentz has separated the two already in a pretty early stage.

    Personally, I would have left these apart. Sometimes (e.g. in 1835) it's really annoying having these two screens joined, because the whole OR Window now is too high, and always resizes that way at the start of a new OR (I don't know how to fix that).
    So I'm all for a split-up.

  • Erik Vos

    Erik Vos - 2011-11-24

    In my previous comment, "separated" should read "combined".

  • Frederick Weld

    Frederick Weld - 2012-02-04

    Option for flexible OR window layout will be part of 1.7
    (already available in Dev repository).


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