
#161 1825 Stock-Selling Bug; 18VA Loading Bug



I realise of course that the two bugs which I am submitting are for early-in-development implementations, but as I didn't see them otherwise listed on this board, I thought I would mention them.

When selling stock in 1825 on Rails, one is not given the option to sell say one or two of a given stock; instead, the game forces one to sell all their shares in a given company at once; there's no drop-down where one can select "x" number of shares. My understanding of the rules is that this is incorrect.

When one attempts to start up a game of 18VA, the loading bar mini-screen comes up but remains at "0%". It will remain there for over an hour if left unattended. Closing the window does not close the loading bar, which does not disappear until one manually ends the process via Task Manager.

Thank you for your excellent and valuable work; the "fully playable" games are just that, and have provided me with many hours of enjoyment that, given my gaming group's lack of interest for the genre, I would not have otherwise.


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