
mesh desk config utility protocol problem

  • Ahmed

    Ahmed - 2016-12-15

    Hello ..
    Thanks for a great project ..

    I have a router (tp-link wr843n v2) it's a copy of wr841n v10 just with POE support
    I flashed it to openwrt and then to meshdesk wr841n v10 firmware

    it worked and i was able to configure it using the meshdesk node config utility but when i apply new settings the protocol field stays empty ... and it doesn't appear in unknown nodes tab in my rd server .

    *NOTE : I couldn't found wr841n in my city so I used wr843n instead

    thanks in advance .


    Last edit: Ahmed 2016-12-15
  • kostas Labropoulos

    Same here with WR-841N v11 and v9 using the utility version 5.1

    • Zvezdelin Borisov

      Very strange, unfortunately I can not repeat the same effect (I have an older version of the device).

      • Can you try a previous version ot MESHdesk config utility?
      • Is it correct protocol selected in the "new settings tab"?
      • Can you look at your dhcp server - whether the device receives an ip address?
      • Ahmed

        Ahmed - 2016-12-28

        the old versions of MESHdesk config utility are not avaliable for download at sourceforge
        If you have them, can you please upload them for us?

        • Zvezdelin Borisov

          Just checked: wr841n v8 with latest firmware from /MESHdesk/Firmware/TP-Link. MD Node Config Utility 5.1 - works normally!

          I'm pretty sure the situation described above happens either:

          1. You have forgotten to specify protocol in "New Settings" tab


          1. You are not connecting the access point directly to the PC where MD Node Config Utility works (or there exist running DHCP server on that PC). The DHCP server on the LAN prevents the proper run of the node meshdesk scripts. But even in this case the node should be configured in the right way.

          So connect directly node to PC and after the config phase - reconnect the node to the internal LAN and check DHCP server logs for the IP address, ssh there (default: root/admin) and check the config in /etc/config/meshdesk - the server, protocol and mode (mesh/ap) should be as specified by you.

          Note the RD server should be accesible at this time, otherwise the node will reboot constantly. You may check the nginx log file for node configuration attempts.
          (sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log |grep gateway)


          • Ahmed

            Ahmed - 2017-01-20

            Thanks Zvezdelin Borisov for your help
            I checked all of that and the problem still happen
            even i brought another AP (tp-link wr740n v6) and the same problem happened

            even when i ssh to the AP i can't acsess /etc/config/meshdesk

            please help me
            If you have (MESHdesk Node config utility 3.2) please upload it for me

            EDIT :
            sorry for that I'v just used vi and found that the AP has got all the configs as i wanted but it still not showing in my RD unknown nodes ?


            Last edit: Ahmed 2017-01-20
            • Zvezdelin Borisov

              Hi, Ahmed,
              Which protocol do you use http or https? - in case of https - switch to http and test again.
              Please provide the output of these commands

              • iwinfo
              • less /etc/config/wireless
              • less /etc/config/network


  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-12-29

    Currently am using radiusdesk hosted.
    1.I have added a new mesh (wainspaul)
    2.Added an entry point (wains cafe wifi) and encrypted with a password
    3.leave the mesh settings and batman Adv settings on default
    4. chosen Ethernet bridge at exit points
    5. changed nodes settings to Kenya with appropriate timezone (Africa/Nairobi)
    6. used 6 on 2.4 G channel under Wifi tab and others at default
    I have followed the procedures above from
    Now the problem is when adding the nodes to the Mesh.
    After a successful flashing of three ZBT WE521 and contacting the utility, I connected one node to the Ethernet cable supplying internet and powered all the nodes, but only one node showed up on unknown nodes as shown on the attached file.( the one connected to the Ethernet ).
    I have tried adding the nodes manually but only the same same node is up
    where could I be going wrong?

    • Zvezdelin Borisov

      I see ZBT WE521 is not directly supported by Meshdesk so please ssh to ethernet connected device and provide the output of:
      - iwinfo
      - iw mesh0 info (mesh0 or mesh1)
      * - ifconfig

      • Paul

        Paul - 2016-12-31

        Hi Zvezdelin,
        I have been trying to ssh to the ZBT WE521 using Putty with little experience in ICT but to no success. The Device has already been flashed with the lede firmware which I was provided by Radiusdesk team as attached below. Initially before flashing the firmware the device had an IP of but after flashing it I have no idea which specific ip to use and username password if any. Please would you provide a short and brief documentation for the same.

        • Zvezdelin Borisov

          Hi Paul,

          After configuration with Mesh Desk Node Config Utility, the device expect IP address from dhcp server at the node WAN port. So you should check at your dhcp server logs in order to see the current IP.

          Iif you are not sure where is the dhcp server - usually it runs on the router (WiFi or Cable, or dedicated device or PC ...) you use to connect to the internet. You should find something like dhcp lease list or dhcp client list. Look for the IP address which correspond to node mac address (from node config utility or printed on the back of the divice).

          Un alternative method - check the MESHDesk applet, Unknown Nodes list - IP address of the node.

          So when you are able to ssh to the node (default settings - user: root, pass: admin) - please provide the output of these commands:

          • ping IP address of hosted radius server - in order to check IP connectivity between node and Radius Desk.
          • iwinfo - to see the acting configuration of node radio(s)
          • iw mesh0 info (mesh0 or mesh1) - to see other radio config parameters
          • ifconfig - to see the configuration of network interfaces

          If the radio(s) are configured in the right way, the other nodes should obtain their configuration through ethernet connected node.

          • Paul

            Paul - 2017-01-02

            Hi Zvezdelin,

            It worked, I was able to find the IP address of the node through the dhcp server (D-link router). although I realized that the IP address found in the MESHDesk applet, Unknown Nodes is a public IP from our internet provider.
            I found the ping of the node has some consistent time outs of about 10 sec

            Here are the attached output of all the above commands:


            • Zvezdelin Borisov

              Now I know what is happening, lets proceed further -

              1. You should attach your node to some mesh - when the device is still in Unknown Nodes - it is still not properly configured.
              2. Use the paperclip button (Unknown Nodes tab) and attach the node to one of the existing meshes - I suppose you will see the Lion, Cheetah and Meerkat examples (you may define your own).
              3. Here you should choose mesh, name the device and most important - choose the right hardware model. For now leave the radio and advanced settings on their defaults.
              4. Shortly after the attachment to the mesh, the node will load the right config and the output of iwinfo command will show configured mesh and the SSIDs for customers (Mesh Entry points in Meshdesk terminology)
              5. At this time the other nodes will be able to access Radius Desk server via the first node radio(s), and you will see them at Unknown Nodes tab - So - go to step 2
              6. After that you will be able to explore the working mesh on Meshes - Magnifying glass button.


              • Paul

                Paul - 2017-01-03

                step 1,2 and 3 was successful but after the attachment to the mesh I think this is where the problem starts because I can no longer ssh to that node again. see the attached screenshots before step 4:

                1. why is the node experincing some interval time outs when I ping its IP (before attachment to the mesh)
                2. After the attachment there is no reply when I ping its IP address

                you may login into my radiusdesk server for better view (I am still in the testing process):


                Last edit: Paul 2017-01-04
                • Zvezdelin Borisov

                  Hi, Paul,

                  Probably the reason for ping timeouts you observe is the loop which happen when all of the devices are connected simultaneously via cable and radio interface.
                  (I guess this is the case?)

                  So I did some configuration changes -

                  • Mesh settings: Bridge Loop Avoidance: ON – to prevent loops in case nodes are connected to internet independently. This setting allows you to have mesh network with multiple gateways to the internet. By the Meshdesk terminology - cable connected node is called gateway node. So probably in your setup the gateway nodes connects one time via the ethernet cable and second time via their radio interface.

                  • AP Isolation: ON - Not to carry unnecessary traffic between nodes

                  I want to mention that if it is possible all of the nodes to be ethernet connected to internet - there is no reason to use mesh network. The ethernet connection is better in terms of stability and performance. In such case you may use AP desk to manage access points - it is simple and better.

                  If the case is different and the mesh does not start - it might be easier if you give me access to the gateway node - I will tell you how to do port forwarding at your Internet router (I use the same model at home).

                  Do you have ssh access to your Radius Desk server? I dont know how it is organized in hosted solution, but it will be better to have an access to web server logs in order to do more troubleshooting.


                  • Paul

                    Paul - 2017-01-03

                    Hi Zvezdelin,

                    Only gateway node is connected to ethernet.

                    access to the gateway node:, username: root, password: admin

                    About Radiusdesk hosted server access, I have to liase with Dirk.

                    Any idea why the gateway node picks the internet provider shared IP address instead of the private IP allocated by my router dhcp server.

                    Thank you for continued support.



                    Last edit: Paul 2017-01-03
                    • Zvezdelin Borisov

                      The gateway node communicate with hosted Radius Desk server via your internet router - that's why you see the shared IP from your provider at Meshdesk console - it is OK - this is the way external world see all the devices behind the router.

                      In order to provide ssh to your gateway node, you should setup port forwarding on your internet router, because I have no access to the devices behind the router.

                      If I remember correct you use D-Link DIR600 - it is similar to DIR605 which I use. So please log-in to the D-Link and go to Advanced/Advanced Port Forwarding Rules. See the attached picture with the settings. After that - save settings and reboot the router.

                      When I ssh to, port 2222 - your internet router, the router will forward all the traffic to the internal IP, port 22.

                      • Paul

                        Paul - 2017-01-04

                        Hi Zvezdelin

                        It seams like my router has a slightly different interface and some additions on setting up port forwarding see the attached pictures.
                        Could you guide me on filling each fields given below?



                        Last edit: Paul 2017-01-04
                        • Zvezdelin Borisov

                          Hi, yes, it is different, the second picture - "virtual server" is the right place to define port forwarding. You may follow detailed instructions here:

                          The settings are:
                          User-defined Service Name: RemoteSSH (your choice)
                          Protocol: TCP
                          WAN Port: 2222 (I will use this port to connect)
                          LAN Open Port: 22 (the port where ssh daemon listen for connections on your gateway node)
                          LAN IP Address: The internal IP of gateway node (internal IP in format 192.168.0.X)

                          • Paul

                            Paul - 2017-01-04

                            Thank you
                            The router is ready.

                            • Zvezdelin Borisov

                              I'm trying to connect to:
                              but connection was refused - it seems there is another intermediate router (Mikrotik/RouterOS, probably at your provider network) and you are behind double network address translation - there is no easy way to connect to your node...

                              OK, you will continue to provide remote hands :)
                              - please restart all the devices, lets only the gateway node is connected via ethernet cable to internet. Login to gateway node and provide the output of these commands:

                              1. ifconfig (to see network interface configuration)
                              2. iwinfo (in order to see is there exist working mesh radio interface)
                                You shold see interface named mesh0 or mesh1
                              3. If there exist mesh0 or mesh1 - iwinfo mesh0 info (or mesh1) and iw mesh0 info (or mesh1)

                              I did some changes - in Mesh settings --> Connectivity - Ad-hoc instead of 802.11s mesh - because some devices does not support 802.11s mesh.

                              • Paul

                                Paul - 2017-01-04

                                Hi Zvezdelin,

                                maybe you can access my machine remotely through Team viewer 12

                                I have removed Hat02 node on known node so that you can notice what is happening. I would prefer we start from there may be it will help



                                Last edit: Paul 2017-01-04
      • Paul

        Paul - 2017-01-01

        I have also tested using NanoStation M5 using the attached firmware from sourceforge and still behaves the same as ZBT WE521. (only the device connected to the ethernet suppling internet is showing up.)
        could it be the RadiusDesk Hosted with the problem or the devices am using?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-12-29

    kindly find the attached screenshot

  • Aniket Jagtap

    Aniket Jagtap - 2017-09-07

    Hi Paul,

    Firware is working fine with the RadiusDesk. I just tested the device with the firmware.


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