
Tp-Link TL-WR841N v13

  • Anıl

    Anıl - 2017-12-09

    Hello there
    I have installed the lede software on the device but I can not establish a mesh desk

  • Zvezdelin Borisov

    Hi, Anıl,

    What exactly do you observe, for instance -
    - AP does not boot?
    - Does not connect to RadiusDesk?
    - The wireless network is not working
    - Do you have shell access?

    A few months ago, when I last checked, there were problems with wireless network support in V13 hardware - unstable work.


  • Richard Lockyer

    Richard Lockyer - 2018-02-05

    I tried this a few weeks ago too.
    I build the firmware with LEDE / Meshdesk and was able to flash the tl841 v13 and the AP was visible in both Mesh and AP mode. It also created the Wifi network that it was attached too and those SSID's where visible to the wifi clients. The problem was that it would not assign an IP address when connecting to the wifi networks. I think it was not able to actually send packets of data over wifi. This fits in with the problems that have allready been metioned on the LEDE forums about the Wifi compatibility.
    If anyone know's the solution to this problem please post it.



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