
Help RadiusDesk Kick off user - Dynamic client - Mikrotik NAS

  • Troy

    Troy - 2018-06-26

    Hi All

    I have been cracking my head to get the "kick user off" function in the activity monitor working for over two days but to date I have not had any success.

    I currently have Mikrotik RB951 running routeros 6.42.4 added to radiusdesk as dynamic client. The mikrotik nas device showed up under unknown clients and was subsequently added.
    Freeradius version: freeradius_3.0.17+git_amd64 binary packages built from git repo for Debian9.4
    OS version: Debian9.4

    Observation: Mikrotik Nas devices detected under unknown clients and subsequently added as dynamic radius clients do not have monitor "mikrotik-heartbeat" as options.
    I have already added scheduler script to the mikrotik nas.

    Any clues will be very much appreciated.

  • Yulius Eka Juhana

    I currently have the same problem..

  • musa najami

    musa najami - 2022-06-09

    hello we are facing the same issue , after a clean install on a clean ubuntu server 20.04 everything works fine, we built our own OpenWRT for tp-link archer c7 with meshdesk exactly as explained in the documentation.
    everything is fine except for "kick user off" and "close session".
    it gives the following errors in the console:

    GET http://xx.xx.xx.xx/cake3/rd_cake/radaccts/close_open.json?_dc=1654729694398&1=1&token=b4c6ac81-8c7c-4802-b50a-0a6380555b50&sel_language=4_4 500 (Internal Server Error)

    and in the error log there are the following errors:

    Error: [Error] Call to a member function setTimezone() on null (/var/www/rdcore/cake3/rd_cake/src/Controller/RadacctsController.php:309)


    Error: [PDOException] SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '' for key 'acctuniqueid' (/var/www/rdcore/cake3/rd_cake/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/Database/Statement/MysqlStatement.php:37)

    we are using :
    ubuntu server 20.04
    nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
    PHP 7.4.3 (cli) (built: Mar  2 2022 15:36:52) ( NTS )
    FreeRADIUS Version 3.0.20, for host x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
    RADIUSdesk Version 21-42-1 


    Last edit: musa najami 2022-06-09

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