

Dirk van der Walt

Concepts in RADIUSdesk

In order to use a piece of software, it is important to understand certain concepts of the software and also the environment the software is used in.
The intention of this Wiki is to make the reader more familiar with certain concepts around the use of RADIUSdesk.

Things which may be common to someone who uses software everyday may be very new to a first time user. I still remember the first time I had to deal with a file. It was this abstract thing that could be opened, saved and copied. This was very new to me when I first started using a computer, but now I don't think much about it, I just use it.

This Wiki should be the starting point for persons who is new to RADIUSdesk.

This page is divided into a few sections. Each section has a list of sub-topics which focus on a particular aspect.


Wiki: i18n