
MESHdesk -> A foretaste of what's to come

Suppose you....

Suppose you have a large store for which you have to deploy a WiFi network with the following requirements:

  • A SSID to which the staff can connect which provides WPA2 Enterprise security and bridged to the Corporate Data VLAN.
  • A SSID to which visitors can connect which is open and bridged to the Corporate Guest VLAN (There is already a working captive portal on this VLAN)
  • The Point of Sales (POS) devices also have to connect to the WiFi network. They however only support WEP encryption. These devices are located only at a certain area in the store which means only selected Access Points need to provide this service. The POS devices are also on a separate VLAN

Enter MESHdesk....

  • We define the entry points

  • We fine tune the Batman-adv mesh

  • We define the exit points and to which entry points they are connected.

  • We specify settings common to all nodes

  • We add the nodes. Adding the POS entry point only to those nodes which we want. The other entry points will automatically be applied to all the nodes which is part of the defined mesh network.

  • We flash the nodes with the MESHdesk firmware pointing to our MESHdesk server. Plug-and-play :-)

Posted by Dirk van der Walt 2013-12-12 Labels: MESHdesk
  • Dirk van der Walt

    Entry points

  • Dirk van der Walt

    Batman settings

  • Dirk van der Walt

    Exit Points

  • Dirk van der Walt

    Common node settings

  • Dirk van der Walt

    Node list


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