

  • Magne Nordtveit

    Magne Nordtveit - 2010-04-19

    First of all, great product. I use it everyday!

    Second, is there any chance you are going to migrate off of Ant and to maven?

    I have made some patches to the Rachota project (I am not sure if any of them are accepted or not, but thats not the point :-)), and I keep finding small things that bothers me to the extent that I open the project and fix it. Most of which are related to running Rachota in  a multiple monitor environment and lack of ability to match dates to days of the week ;-)

    The reason for porting to Maven, is its awesome version scheme, and ease of use. I am a JAVA dev myself, and switching from Ant to Maven is one of those things I wish we had done before. Its highly customizable, and solves allot when it comes to versions and dependencies.

    Love your application, keep up the great work!


  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2010-04-19

    Hi Magne,

       first of all thanks for your nice words about Rachota Timetracker!

       However, as for the migration from Ant to Maven I don't see any urgent need for that right now. Ant fully satisfies all my building needs and I try to avoid any complex dependencies on 3rd party libraries on purpose. Of course Rachota could have for example sexy 3D graphs but bundling necessary JARs would triple its size. Fortunately, you can export sources and create Maven based project manually via e.g. NetBeans IDE.

       Are you interested in contributing your changes to Rachota project? At least according to the CDDL license terms you should do that. If you send me CVS diff(s) I will review them and integrate into the codebase. Thanks!

    Thank you for your feedback!

  • Magne Nordtveit

    Magne Nordtveit - 2010-04-19

    Are you interested in contributing your changes to Rachota project? At least according to the CDDL license terms you should do that. If you send me CVS diff(s) I will review them and integrate into the codebase. Thanks!

    I am, and I have. What is the preferred way of submitting changes? I could always send you a e-mail with the patches, but I assumed submitting them to the patch tracker was enough? All the changes I make locally will be submitted through there if you don't want them elsewhere.

    Also, how would you like patches for bug fixes submitted?


  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2010-04-19

    Oh, I am sorry then. I have overlooked your patches although I have them in my Inbox. :-( Both diffs look safe to me so I am offering you a chance to integrate them yourself if you like. I would give you push access for these two fixes. Just let me know!

    Thanks for your contribution!

  • Magne Nordtveit

    Magne Nordtveit - 2010-04-19

    Hehe, no problem.

    The reason why I checked into this today in the first place, was to revisit the patch with the windows, discovered a dialog I had missed today.

    Sure, if you want, I could commit this to the trunk, no problems.


  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2010-04-19

    OK, so you have CVS access. Please update from trunk and commit both fixes then leave comment in both bugs. Thanks a lot Magne!

  • Magne Nordtveit

    Magne Nordtveit - 2010-04-19

    Requested changes made to trunk and bug comments made. I was unable to change the state of the bugs.

    Happy to help :-)


  • Magne Nordtveit

    Magne Nordtveit - 2010-04-19

    Oh, I also marked the patches as committed to trunk.


  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2010-04-20

    Great, I will update my CVS sources soon, test new build and then close the bug and patches. Many thanks Magne!

  • Magne Nordtveit

    Magne Nordtveit - 2010-04-20

    I just saw that there is one dialog i missed. Do you want me to submit a new patch for it?

  • Magne Nordtveit

    Magne Nordtveit - 2010-04-20

    Added a patch for the HistoryView/Filter dialog ([2989939).


  • Jiri Kovalsky

    Jiri Kovalsky - 2010-04-20

    Cool, thanks! Don't hesitate to commit this change as well.

  • John Caster

    John Caster - 2023-05-05

    To begin with, I want to express my appreciation for your great product that I use on a daily basis.

    Secondly, I am wondering if there is any possibility of migrating from WordPress to Magento?

    The reason for proposing a shift to Maven is due to its exceptional versioning system and user-friendly nature. As a Java developer, I believe that transitioning from Ant to Maven is one of those tasks that should have been done earlier. Maven is highly customizable and solves many issues regarding versions and dependencies.

    I truly admire your application and urge you to continue the outstanding work!

    • Jiri Kovalsky

      Jiri Kovalsky - 2023-05-12

      Thank you John for your nice words about Rachota!
      I do not understand the second part of your post though. Rachota has already been Mavenized and it no longer uses Ant. What exactly do you want to change and why?


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