
Andrew Deamer

Prepare for first use:

  • install MySQL, Apache and PHP
  • connect a client to MySQL and create a database
  • grant all privileges to a user (eg webserver) with a particular password
  • edit connect.php by inserting your chosen database name, the username password
  • connect a client to MySQL and invoke tables.sql

Configure for your event:

  • having edited data.sql as described below, connect a client to MySQL and invoke data.sql

Edit data.sql as follows:

  • line 1. Event name and date
  • line 3. Race names (and reference to the event name)
  • lines 12-15. Male categories for first race (in this case the 10K). The lowest age of the youngest category is the minimum age of a male runner who can enter this race. NB the age ranges must not overlap, but the software does not check this
  • lines 17-20. Corresponding male categories for those runners who are not 'local'.
  • line 23-26. Female categories for first race. Again, the lowest age of the youngest category is the minimum age of a female runner who can enter this race. Again, the age ranges must not overlap, but the software does not check this.
  • lines 28-31. Corresponding female categories for those runners who are not 'local'.
  • lines 34-57. Age categories (male and female) for the second race
  • lines 60-87. Age categories (male and female) for the third race. Note the strangely named XM and XF categories, which are used to allow older runners to be given numbers but not feature in the prizes.
  • lines 94-97. Details of the team prizes in each race. There are two scoring methods - either every finisher scores a point (irrespective of their position), or only the first few runners score (score depends on position, lowest score wins).
  • lines 100-116. Details of which runner category is eligible to count towards the first team prize (in this example, a prize in the 10K)
  • lines 118-138. Details of which runner category is eligible to count towards the second team prize
  • lines 142-146. Details of which runner category is eligible to count towards the third team prize
  • lines 149-165. Details of which runner category is eligible to count towards the fourth team prize
  • line 168. Details of an individual prize.
  • lines 170-178. Details of which runner categories are eligible to win the prize detailed at line 168. There are two groups of categories to account for the local runners and non-local runners. Other prizes - most specifically those for local runners (eg at line 236) will only have one corresponding group of eligible categories
  • lines 181-249. Details of the other individual prizes for the first race, including the order of precedence (the order in which they are awarded), to determine which prize a runner is awarded if they would be eligible for more than one prize (eg first F35 and first local female).
  • lines 253-339. Individual prizes and eligible categories for the second race
  • lines 345-377. Individual prizes and eligible categories for the third race

The file data-3mile.sql contains an example of the configuration for an event with four races.


If times are not recorded (eg for a junior race) then the software will display the list of finishers but will not produce the prize-winners list, since one of the consistency checks is that every runner has a finish time. To change this behaviour (and to bypass only that particular consistency check) modify file results.php to comment out line 12 with a double forward slash, as follows:

            // return "Runner " . $row_nulltime['runnernumber'] . " at position " . $row_null time['finishnumber'] . " has no finish time";

Getting started

Simply point a web browser at


To access the software from another computer on the same network, point a web browser at


where <ipaddress> is the ip address of the host computer (you may be able to find this out by typing ipconfig in a command prompt).


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