
Andrew Deamer

Resetting the system for a new race involves invoking a sequence of SQL statements, either from a MySQL client or from a phpMyAdmin window.

Likewise, setting it up for a new event. This is usually managed by editing the SQL file for a previous event (or a previous year for the same event). There is no error checking at this stage, so it is possible to mis-configure the system to allow underage runners to run in a 10K race, for example.

All results are displayed as provisional, and this was for publication on the day. There is no easy way to remove this for publication of the final (ie checked and corrected) results. Publication via the web has therefore necessitated the editing of the HTML file.

There is no system that I know of that will correct mistakes in the information from the time-keepers (rubbish in produces rubbish out). The best thing that any race organiser can do is to recruit and retain a team of good timekeepers - well organised, efficient people who can work in pairs to record numbers quickly and clearly, and who have the good sense to suggest improvements for the next year. The organisers of the Wells Fun Run have been blessed in this respect.


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