
Tree [afe677] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 DataObfuscation 2021-03-01 antonocube antonocube [15f324] Better imports.
 DataQueryWorkflowsTests 2020-08-31 antonocube antonocube [91651b] First version
 EpidemiologyModels 2020-04-09 antonocube antonocube [07b0c5] Obsolete package message.
 FPMon-R 2019-01-29 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [8b4b8f] Moved the repository
 FineliFoodData 2021-03-28 antonocube antonocube [b8ec53] Extended the dictionary making signature.
 GNNMon-R 2021-02-14 antonocube antonocube [a612a4] Added Apple Mobility data for Nice, France.
 HIRMon-R 2020-06-18 antonocube antonocube [1dcbe6] First complete HIRMon version.
 HubItemDynamicRanks 2020-09-14 antonocube antonocube [e1f156] Update
 LSAMon-R 2021-05-20 antonocube antonocube [cca9d9] fix:Using LSAMonRepresentByTerms in LSAMonRepre...
 MathematicaVsRData 2021-02-15 antonocube antonocube [f452f7] Updated package versions.
 NonNegativeMatrixFactorization 2021-02-22 antonocube antonocube [70dfa7] Better imports.
 OutlierIdentifiers 2021-02-15 antonocube antonocube [423853] Outliers are strictly outside the boundaries.
 PRSMon-R 2020-11-10 antonocube antonocube [2d4d58] Better descriptions and manifest.
 ParetoPrincipleAdherence 2021-03-29 antonocube antonocube [1da33f] Updates.
 ROCFunctions 2021-02-05 antonocube antonocube [d3bdd7] Bug fix.
 RandomDataFrameGenerator 2021-04-14 antonocube antonocube [040c09] More robust splitting. (Bug fix.)
 RecommenderDashboards 2021-05-26 antonocube antonocube [4c1a3a] fix:More robuts free text profiles.
 RecommenderTestFunctions 2021-05-05 antonocube antonocube [11f839] feat:First complete version.
 SMRMon-R 2021-05-12 antonocube antonocube [6fe1c9] feat:Added normalizeQ to SMRMonProfile.
 SparseMatrixRecommender 2021-06-04 antonocube antonocube [afe677] fix(TSSMR):Making sure the recommendations are ...
 SparseMatrixRecommenderInterfaces 2021-01-16 antonocube antonocube [1efa90] Deployment fix attempt.
 SparseMatrixRecommenderInterfacesNoDT 2021-01-27 antonocube antonocube [c227fa] Additional guards in case something goes wrong.
 StateMonadCodeGenerator 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [e07bba] fix: Fixed partial matches for logicalResultQ.
 .gitignore 2019-01-29 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [ec97c0] First version of the SMR package.
 LICENSE 2019-01-28 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [631344] Initial commit
 R-packages.iml 2020-02-05 antonocube antonocube [c7774b] First version. 2020-02-05 antonocube antonocube [a43d5c] Better license explanations.

Read Me


Miscellaneous R packages. Most correspond to the packages in

Monadic programming style

Most of the packages provide monadic style pipelines.

For more details see the explanations in the
Monadic Programming.

On package licensing

Some loosely adhered to rules for the package licenses in this repository follow.

  • The "computer science" packages have BSD-3 or LGPL-3 licenses.

  • For example, the monad code generation package

  • The more "academic" packages have GPL-3 licenses.

  • In general the simple packages have BSD-3 or LGPL-3 licenses.

  • For example, the package OutlierIdentifiers
    is very simple. (Hence with BSD-3.)

  • The package license is based on the license(s) of the most important package(s) it builds upon.

  • For example, if a package from this repository is based on one package,
    and the latter is with MIT license,
    then the package from this repository is also with MIT license.

  • If a package is with a GPL-3 license that is because:

  • at least one of the underlying important packages is with GPL-3,

  • the original version of the package was published with GPL-3,

  • GPL-3 is the default and preferred license.