
QZXing in an Qt/Android project

  • Francisco

    Francisco - 2015-09-05

    Hi everyone!

    As you know (or maybe not) with Qt there's an option to create Android apps for some architectures (x86, armv5, armv7), as well as for iOS

    The point is that I wanted to create a multiplatform QR scanner (including Android and iOS)

    I'm not a Qt expert, so, when I try to build QZXing in a project for an Android platform, it throws me some errors like:

    "zxing\aztec\decoder\AztecDecoder.cpp:55: error: undefined reference to 'iconv_open'")

    and some others. I guess that it's because in the QZXing.pri there's not defined any "rule" for Android platforms (only for symbian, unix, win32-msvc, win32-g++)

    Someone knows what kind of configuration should I add to build the Android project?

    P.S.: I'm not looking for the zxing version for android because I'm making my project in QtQick
    P.S.2: Sorry for my poor english


    Last edit: Francisco 2015-09-05
  • Guillermo Amat Gomariz

    Hello Francisco

    Look at this example, maybe it will help you

    It works for me using QT 5.5 and the QZXing code from this site (there are some forks on Github with older code that dind't work in my case)

  • Nikolaos Ftylitakis

    Thank you Guillermo for your help.

    Francisco, sorry for not replying, i have very limited free time this period. Eitherway, i will try as soon as possible to reproduce your issue and add the solution to the new version of the library that is being written.

    Best regards.

  • Francisco

    Francisco - 2015-10-01


    Thanks Guillermo.

    Nikolaos, really thanks for this project. I get it work with the last update in the git repository, but I get the same issue discussed in the "QZXing not picking up barcode" post.

    I think I found the solution and I wrote it in that post. I hope that help.

    Again: Sorry for my english.


  • Nikolaos Ftylitakis

    Thank you for your condribution and your kind words. I will try to make the project even better to minimize such issues.

    Best regards :)



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