

Jochen Baier

QuteContainer is a lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) container to use for Dependency Injection. QuteContainer is build with and for the C++ Qt framework. QuteContainer can automatically resolve object dependency trees using constructor parameter injection. QuteContainer is inspired by the Microsoft UnityContainer.

class AddressBook : public IAddressBook
     Q_INVOKABLE AddressBook(QObject *parent, IPersonRepository *personRepository,
                           IDataBase *dataBase);

AddressBook is a class with 2 dependencies: IPersonRepository and IDataBase.
QuteContainer can now resolve these dependencies automatically:

QuteContainer  quteContainer(0);

//register Interfaces which are mapped to classes
quteContainer.registerType<IAddressBook, AddressBook>(true);
quteContainer.registerType<IDataBase, DataBase>(true);
quteContainer.registerType<IPersonRepository, PersonRepository>(true);

//resolve a AddressBook class, dependent parameter will be created before.
IAddressBook *addressBook=quteContainer.resolve<IAddressBook>();

QuteContainer has created 3 objects internally: Database, PersonRepository
and AddressBook.The object tree could be even more complex. For example IPersonRepository could have other dependencies.

[Installation] [API documentation]


Wiki: API documentation
Wiki: Installation