
Quilt / News: Recent posts

Quilt Version 0.4 is Out!

A new version of Quilt has hit SourceForge in the
past two days. Version 0.4 fixes some rather nasty
ClassLoader problems, meaning it will successfully
work on more programs than ever before.

Additionally, the website has had an overhaul, thanks
to the stuff Maven provides. Check out the software
and the site, and let me know what you think.


Posted by David Dixon-Peugh 2002-06-15

JUnit Quilt is Alpha!

Quilt has just gone Alpha!

I encourage everyone who uses
Java and JUnit to download the
software, and run your tests
through it.

Make sure you send feedback with
any problems (or successes you
have with it.)

Posted by David Dixon-Peugh 2002-02-23