
QuIDScor / News: Recent posts

Gentoo ebuild

The quidscor ebuild is now propagated on the gentoo portage servers.

If you are a Gentoo linux user, you can install quidscor simply by doing:
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge quidscor


Posted by Laurent Demailly 2003-12-09

QuIDScor 1.2 is released !

The second public release of QuIDScor, v1.2.48
has been released today Oct 9th 2003 !

It provides much improved correlation logic and new features improving performance and allowing custom mappings. New features include:

- validation of alerts into three categories (validated, unknown, invalidated)
- uses information about services and applications
- custom mapping file for ID, service and application mappings
- offline processing of Snort-fastlogs
- reprocessing of QuIDScor-logs
- separated correlation process and communication to QualysGuard... read more

Posted by Laurent Demailly 2003-10-09

v1.2: new features

The upcoming QuIDScor-1.2 will provide much improved correlation logic and new features improving performance and allowing custom mappings.

New features:
- validation of alerts into three categories (validated, unknown, invalidated)
- uses information about services and applications
- custom mapping file for ID, service and application mappings
- offline processing of Snort-fastlogs
- reprocessing of QuIDScor-logs
- separated correlation process and communication to QualysGuard... read more

Posted by Laurent Demailly 2003-09-24

v1.2: just around the corner !

We will have a great new release of QuIDScor soon (early October most likely).

It will include major improvements to the correlation algorithm.

If you would be interested in testing a pre-release, please contact <>
(remove the NOSPAM).

Stay tuned!

Posted by Laurent Demailly 2003-09-05

First public release - QuIDScor 1.1.35 !

Please download the first public source release of QuIDScor !

See also the brand new home page
(And check out the FAQ link there)

Posted by Laurent Demailly 2003-07-30

First release will be end of July 2003!

It's official ! The first release will be
at the end of July 2003 with a BSD style
license (allowing you to create commercial
derived products if you wish) !

If you want to preview it, please contact
(remove the NOSPAM)

Stay tuned!

Posted by Laurent Demailly 2003-07-01


Welcome to QuIDScor.

Please see the FAQ:

Posted by Laurent Demailly 2003-06-10