* The reason why its so hard to make launcher scripts is you can only call EMULATOR / OTHER THINGS in that order - even though you can run TOOL / COMMAND TO RUN BEFORE / COMMAND TO RUN AFTER, even though you can run EMU again as many times as you like, even though you can add/change command line parameters from individual romdata entries, this is all a bit useless when EMU must be the first parameter passed. If the order of EMU/TOOL/ROM/FLAGS could be more flexible I could sort out mounting and a whole host of other things immediately
* run more then one command - only one command can be run from 'command to run before' and 'after' - make it so multiple command can be run or external script called in both emulator management and Efind
Interim measure with %EXEPATH% implemented in 5e7488, but still needs code to fundamentally change, and for EFind format to fundamentally change
Last edit: TonyWoode 2014-08-25