
#21 Efind Improvements


1) Efind does not allow "command to run before" and "command to run after", nor does it allow calling tool variables or other non-rom command line calls. Make it so Efinds can contain ALL the same functionality as Emulator Management

2) You can destroy your emulators.ini instantly by forgetting to select "Add Resdults to Emulators list" or "replace Emulator lists with results" or by forgetting to Select All or Unselect all in the EFinder results screen. Make a nag screen for all these options or collate the options on the ok button so the user is aware what they are about to do (or maybe a "simulate results" button or other way to go into emu management to see what you will get. Or maybe just a backup of emulators.ini when an Efind is run)

3) Currently any changes you make to Media Configuration Tab in Emulator Mangement popup are destroyed when an Efind is run and the emulator is changed. Make it so repeatedly finding the same .exe in an Efind and selecting "replace" doesn't trash these

4) the way QP's EFIND ads more than one of the same physical emu could be improved. when finding the second QP could examine attriubtes and folder and see if one is v.1.1 and the next is v.1.2 and name them approriately, or do anything better than just add a 1 to the end of the second one

5) you can only link to an exe in an efind - make it so you can link to either any file, or at least .bat or .cmd


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