
Apache Synapse and WSO2 ESB embed QFJ

The Apache Synapse development team and the WSO2 ESB team has announced that they have successfully integrated Quickfix/J with Apache Synapse and WSO2 ESB. Currently this feature is available in Apache Synapse and WSO2 ESB trunks. But they are planning for a release early next May. This release will contain the new addition of FIX protocol support with Quickfix/J.

The projects will be shipping Quickfix/J jars along with Synapse and WSO2 ESB. They have also developed a couple of sample scenarios based on the Quickfix/J sample applications. The documentation related to these samples are currently available in the trunks and soon will be available on Synapse and WSO2 ESB websites.

See also:

Posted by Stephen Bate 2008-04-21

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