
QUI for MPlayer / News: Recent posts

QUI for MPlayer .99b Released

This will be the last version before I release 1.0rc1. Although one major bug was found in this version, I believe that QUI is now stable enough to warrant at least an rc version. Hopefully I'm not wrong.

Back in the present, version .99b includes a major bugfix for fullscreen play, as well as a couple of minor fixes (some of which will not be noticeable to the user). It also extends the functionality of the defaults.conf file by allowing the user to pass parameters directly to MPlayer.... read more

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-02-08

QUI .981 Released

This is entirely a bugfix version. I didn't change anything significant, and since I'm a bit short on release numbers right now, I didn't give this one an entirely new number. I got RPM's built as soon as I released it too, so they're available as well. As always, I would love to hear any comments about QUI.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-01-28

RPM's for QUI .98b

Mandrake RPM's for QUI .98b have been added to the files page. I wouldn't mind hearing how these work out for people, so if you get them working or not, feel free to let me know.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-01-23

QUI for MPlayer .98b Released

I forgot to write this news release when it actually happened, but version .98b has been released. Check the changelog for details, but basically it includes a few bugfixes. RPM's should be coming shortly.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-01-22

QUI for MPlayer .97b Released

QUI .97b features a new option that allows the playback of multiple chapters on a DVD or VCD. Previously, QUI had automatically played the first chapter of a DVD or the second of a VCD. This is now completely under the control of the user. This release also includes a few bugfixes, but nothing that had a significant effect on the usability of QUI.

I will try to get RPM's up for .97b, but I've discovered an incompatibility with my version of rpmbuild and KDevelop (which I use to work on QUI), so rpmbuild had to go (for now). I should be able to remedy this easily enough, but I have to find time to do it.... read more

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-01-16

RPM's released for QUI .96b

I've made an RPM version of QUI available for download. The source rpm is there too, but I have my doubts as to whether it will work for anyone else, but since the source itself is posted too, I'm not too concerned about it. I only have my own system to test on (which is the one it was created on, not too good for testing), so if anyone tries this please let me know how it goes.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-01-14

QUI for MPlayer .96b Released

Hopefully I'll get a stable version out before I run out of .9x numbers. I'm getting pretty close now, and with the removal of the extra shell script for installation, there are no more major bugs standing in my way. Version .96b takes care of a few bugs that were created by the removal of the shell script, and also fixes some, but not all, of the problems with DVD playback. I'm also still working on making an rpm available.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-01-11

QUI for MPlayer .95b released

The big news is that no longer is it necessary to run an extra shell script after install. Just a standard installation. There is some chance that this introduced a new problem, but it works for me so please let me know if it causes any issues for you. This version also includes the fix for a problem with compiling on FreeBSD 5.2. I'm not positive about this one either since I have no way of testing it myself, but I'm pretty sure it should work.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2004-01-09

QUI for MPlayer .94b released

This version mostly includes a bug fix regarding fullscreen play and the buttons getting out of sync with MPlayer. The fix required a slight change in the way that fullscreen works, but overall there should be only a slight difference noticeable to the user. This version now fixes most of the bugs that I know about and know I can fix, and also includes all of the features that I plan to include in the final release (or perhaps a better word would be first non-beta release, since I'm sure there will never be a final release:-).

Posted by Ben Nemec 2003-12-27

QUI for MPlayer .93b released

Finally, my modem is cooperating with Linux, so QUI .93b has been released. The bright side of my internet troubles has been that I had time to add a few new features to QUI while I was trying to get my internet working. In addition to the config file and bugfixes originally slated for inclusion in .93b, it also includes an "Add Dir" button for the playlists and the ability to pass a file as a parameter to QUI. This basically concludes the major features I wanted to add, so I'll probably start working my way toward a stable non-beta release.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2003-12-22

QUI .93b release delayed

Version .93b of QUI is ready to be released (still beta, I'm afraid), but now that I'm not at school, I have to connect over dial-up and I'm having some major trouble with my modem in Linux right now, so I can't get it uploaded. In fact, I can't do much of anything except post news because I can't ssh or sftp either.

As far as .93b goes, there are a few new features. One is the ability to customize some of the default options for QUI. There is now a config file that allows you to set whether QUI starts with random, loop, and playlist docking on, and also whether MPlayer should stop xscreensaver when it starts. You can also set the default location to look for av files when adding to the playlist. That's all I'm going to say for now. When I manage to get this released, I'll provide a more complete description of the changes, but that is the major one.

Posted by Ben Nemec 2003-12-20