
quake2xp / News: Recent posts

quake2xp 1.26.6 quakeExpo 2016 Edition

Note: required 1.5gb video memory for full size uncompressed textures

  • Raw mouse input and return joystic support (windows only)
  • Added models scale for hud (r_hudModelScale cvar)
  • Added 3×3 median filter for cinematics
  • Added precompiled static lights interactions
  • Added custom roughness maps
  • Min-Max FPS counter
  • Massive normal-specular maps update for hi-poly items
  • High quality normal maps for player models
  • New HD wide screen levelshots with Pan-Scan croping for 3:4 displays
  • Oren-Nayar – GGX lighting for models
  • Add new hi-poly ingame weapons (rocket launcher and railgun) by CTPEJIOK22
  • Restored left hand gun
    Download here
Posted by Kirk Barnes 2016-07-19

Quake2xp 1.26.5 release now!

New features:
* BDRF lighting model for world
* Better alias model lighting and skin shader
* Specular lighting for hud digits and menu tags
* Better texture compression for dx11 class cards
* Turbo shadows for alias models
* Update screen blend
* Engine rewritten to opengl 3.3 and glsl 150. Requried GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location, GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location, GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects, GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack
* Intel HD graphic support
* Better SLI support (+70% on 690gtx)
* Improved overall performance
* Limited win xp support (mark as deprecated)
* Complete xatrix relight
* Ingame flashlight
* Improved monsters blood effects
* Add footsteps for more monsters

Posted by Kirk Barnes 2016-05-01

update 1

Cleanup and some shader fixes for AMD cards (thx to Berserker)
Add particles to reflection pass
update q2xp0.pkx and win32 release archive

Posted by Kirk Barnes 2015-06-19

q2xp 1.26.4 release

What's new?

screen space local reflections for water & slime
screen space ambient occlusion
motion blur
radiosity normal mapping with high resolution lightmaps (vanilla Q2 & Reckoning)
fake sub-surface scattering for monster skin
complete vanilla Q2 relight
static VBO-IBO optimizations
improved light editor
Download win binaries here
update media here for vanilla
for Xatrix ... read more

Posted by Kirk Barnes 2015-06-19

quake2xp 1.26.2 update

Linux support
Change EAX2 to EFX
Ogg Vorbis soundtracks support
Random play music files
Change parallax occlusion mapping to relief mapping
FXAA antialiasting
Chromatic aberration for alpha surfaces
Update lighting for hud models
Add tbn cache for bsp
Box blur filter for shadows
Shader effect for level loading screen
Update console background
Env mapping for alias models
Read player models from paks
*Film Grain postprocess (use r_filmGrain cvar)... read more

Posted by Kirk Barnes 2012-06-14

quake2xp from 1.26q to 1.26.1 update

add * soft shadow volumes
add * dynamic per-pixel lighting (pre-cache 8-13 lights per frame) except for light styles
add * lightmap based bump for bsp (fake deluxe bump)
add * current player weapon for player setup menu
add * softness for sprite models
add * "infinitely" decals
add * 13x newest crosshairs
add * blaster bolt particle effect
add * sphere mapping for shells
add * fixed aspect ratio for cinematics
add * scanline postprosess for cin movies
add * unreal tournament style double jump (dm flags)
add * cd-rom letter override
fix * sexed sound
fix * more ati shaders bugs
fix * pom bug with hi smooth tbn values (not full)... read more

Posted by Kirk Barnes 2012-02-05

q2xp 1.26 release

New version available on our files page

Posted by Kirk Barnes 2011-04-20

New begining

For a long time we had available to
But due to problems on the host we moved here
New engine use glsl render and support more new and old-school effects as -
External glsl shaders.
Parallax occlusion mapping.
Glow effects on world and models.
Phong lighting for alias models with normalmaping.
Vertex lighting for non ligtmapped surfaces.
High quality animated caustics effect.
Dynamyc shadow volumes for alias models.
Improved particle and decals effects.
Realtime refractions for water, glasses, explosions effects.
Lens flares with per pixel occlusion test.
Multisample antialiasing with advanced NV coverage sample antialiasing (CSAA) support.
Postprocessing effects - radial blur, bloom, depth of field, termal vision.
OpenAL 3d audio engine.

Posted by Kirk Barnes 2011-03-27