
Close window does not work

jist me
  • jist me

    jist me - 2022-02-11

    New user/tester here.

    This app seems very nice, and a lot of thought and effort seems to have been put into it.
    So a big thank you and much respect for the developer!

    I am running into a serious issue though.
    After having made some tweaks to get things to my liking, I now find that I can not close a window anymore by clicking on the close icon top right.
    The close icon will only flash once or twice, but the window will stay open.

    Obviously this would be a deal breaker, but before I give up on this app, could it be me, and have I perhaps changed a setting that caused this?

    Or could it be a bug in 2048 beta 2 which I am using to try this app?


  • jist me

    jist me - 2022-02-11

    Found it. You need to scroll down in the 'events' tab to see the setting for it.

  • Kelvin Estrada

    Kelvin Estrada - 2022-02-21

    Hi, friend. It seems that this forum is dead :(. Do you know how to use the program? I'm new. I have two doubts
    Can a new tab be created to open a new tab in a specific directory instead of asking which folder I want to open? for example: on this computer
    Can you change the create new tab icon? I found an .exe where you can change the close tab icon and tab colors, but I don't see an option to change the create new tab icon.
    I hope you can help me.


    Last edit: Kelvin Estrada 2022-02-21
  • jist me

    jist me - 2022-03-15

    Not only the forum seems dead, the developer himself doesn't seem active with this application anymore.
    There is no activity on the original website, nor much at the 'official' forum, and he doesn't respond to any questions or suggestions on fora that are active regarding QTTabbar either.

    In the meantime I have ran into some other issues and annoyances with QTTabbar, and since there is no sign of life on any further development I have decided not to put any more time and effort in it and abandoned it.


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