
How do you select the datasource to be used in a Master Data Band?

  • Martin McGlensey

    I'm using QtRptDesiner version 3 on Linux Mint 20.1 I have a MySQL database verified to exist in MySQL Workbench. I setup a report with two bands - Master Band 1 and Master Data Band 1. Put fields in both. QtRPTDesigner. Connected to database using qmysql - Table names and fields listed properly in the listing. Constructed a simple QSL query (SELECT tbl.Name from tbl). Edited the field in the data band as [Name]. Saved the report and opened the viewer. Where the name data should be I get only blank fields.

    So how do I get the data from the connection to the fields on the report. Tried the connection name, the database name and the table name ([tbl.Name]). None work.

    I like this project and want to use it but not able to display data is a major problem.

    I still cannot get the Windows binaries to connect windows mysql using qodbc on Windows but, that is another topic fora later time.


  • Martin McGlensey

    Problem solved. Suggest you post a more detailed set of instructions . You should not include the outdated install.txt included in the original download and include the use of QtCreator to compile the project. That would make it eaiser for the end user to use the project.

    Now that I've stated the negatives. On the positive side this project more than meets my needs.
    I spent many hours on the net looking for a good report generator. Finally try QtRptDesigner. After you get over some of it's quirks it is overall a good a good piece of software that I will use and suggest to others.


  • aliks-os

    aliks-os - 2022-10-29

    Good afternoon, I apologize for not answering in time - life circumstances. I have taken note of your comments and will try to correct them. I'm glad that you liked my project and you are using it. As I have free time, I improve it and fix the errors found.


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