Anonymous - 2007-02-28

I am a newbie to Linux (I worked with HP-UX for 7 years before I retired, but am new to Linux).

I have a Gateway PC with two hard drives installed. With the help of my son I have installed Kubuntu 6.06 on a partition on the first hard drive. No problems. Now I would like to install the newest version of kubuntu on a sandbox partition on my second hard drive. When I try to create a partition on my second hard drive it fails. On the segestion of my son, who has been using Linux longer then me, I tried to run qtparted from my current version of kubuntu. here is what I am doing.

I open a konsole and type: sudo qtparted
after typing my password, I get the following messages:
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
  Major opcode:  144
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 166
  Major opcode:  144
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device

My son told me I can ignore these as the qtparted window opens and I see my two hard drives in the top lefthand window listed as /dev/hda and /dev/hdb. When I click on /dev/hda it shows the three partition for that drive in the right hand window, the first is my windows ntfs partition, the second is my linux partition and the third is my swap sapce for linux.

When I click on the second drive /dev/hdb the qtparted window closes and I get the following error messages: No Implementation: Support for opening ntfs file systems is not implemented yet.
Segmentation fault

There are two ntfs partitions on this hard drive and a third partition I want to use for linux.

Am I doing something wrong or missing a component of qtparted? I have qtparted V0.4.5-cvs

Any help will be greatly appreciated.