
Widgets of Choice

Chris Read
  • Chris Read

    Chris Read - 2001-04-04

    Greetings all...

    I've had some questions as to why choose QT as the Widget Set for this little project and not something a bit more open like GTK+. The reason is portability to the M$ platform.

    The goal of this little project (as it stands today) it for a great, universal IMAP mail client for all, not just the followers and the faithfull of the OpenSource movement. As such I run the usability of this little app on the M$ platforms just as highly as usability on the *NIX platforms.

    Yes, I do know that the Windows version requires money to use, but I see that as a minor issue. I didn't say we need to have the windows client now, only possible...

    Ideas, comments???


    • Sean Johnston

      Sean Johnston - 2003-04-17

      Well, having been exposed to the Qt widget set, and from opinions expressed by numerous people it sounds like an excellent choice. Qt appears to be a much more mature widget set, with a decent class hierarchy and a nice method for event handling (signals and slots). As best I can tell, GTK+ is C++ bolted onto a C library. I've also found configuration of any gtk based apps very difficult.


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