
#77 Krita crashes with qt5ct plugin with Qt5.15


I'm using Archlinux x86_64, recently my distro updated Qt5 library (in 'testing' repository) and krita 4.2.9 crashes on start if I set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct. Without this setting krita starts fine.

I attached backtrace from gdb and output from valgrind.

I searched a bit and found only some things about QPalette,
here: (search for palette)
and here:

I'm not familiar with Qt and don't know if this is helpful information.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

2 Attachments


  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2020-05-28
    • status: New --> Accepted
    • Type: Review --> Defect
  • Vladimir Lomov

    Vladimir Lomov - 2020-05-28

    to complete picture: this is my qt5ct configuration:

    Style: Fusion
    Standard dialogs: GTK3
    Palette: custom
      Color scheme: darker
    Fonts: Consolas
    Icon theme: Faenza
    Style Sheets: none (none selected)
  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2020-05-31

    Please, try latest SVN version.

  • Antonio Rojas

    Antonio Rojas - 2020-05-31

    Same crash with svn rev569

  • Vladimir Lomov

    Vladimir Lomov - 2020-06-01

    I didn't try the svn version but I'm using qt5ct 0.41-4 package which has latest changes (actually only revision r564) and krita still segfaults.

  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2020-06-03

    I'm unable to reproduce this issue with latest stable Arch. I'm using qt5ct 0.41-4 and plasma installed:
    QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct krita

    So, show me output with QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1 variable and attach qt5ct config (from ~/.config directory).

  • Antonio Rojas

    Antonio Rojas - 2020-06-03

    I have patched the Arch krita package to workaround this issue. If you want to reproduce it, please use krita 4.2.9-4, which you can get from

  • Vladimir Lomov

    Vladimir Lomov - 2020-06-04

    Hello. I have updated krita (4.2.9-5) and it works (theme is applied). The 4.2.9-4 version (downloaded from, thank you Antonio for the link!) crashes. Just to help you figure out what is going on I attached qt5ct.conf and krita run with QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1.

  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2020-06-04

    Reproduced, thank you. 4.2.9-4 crashes with same backtrace.

  • alium

    alium - 2020-06-04

    i think, it's same bug:

    i tried qt5ct-svn rev 569, but still same error (SIGSEGV)


    Last edit: alium 2020-06-04
  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2020-06-04

    Please, test latest SVN version or this patch: [r570]



    Commit: [r570]

  • alium

    alium - 2020-06-04

    for me r570 works and i see no problems anymore

  • Vladimir Lomov

    Vladimir Lomov - 2020-06-05

    with qt5ct 0.41-5 and krita 4.2.9-6 the krita works flawlessly.

  • alium

    alium - 2020-06-05

    qt5ct 0.41-5 contains patch r570, so it works

  • Winston Weinert

    Winston Weinert - 2020-06-05

    In case anybody was wondering, Vlad and alium were referring to the Archlinux package bump qt5ct-0.41-5 which contains the mentioned patch.

  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2020-06-10
    • status: Accepted --> Fixed
  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2020-06-10

    Fixed in 1.0 release. Thank you for testing.


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