
#71 Wrong theme when kwrite is opened with dolphin context menu

Tuxo Holic

When I lauch kwrite from the terminal or pick it from the start menu qt5ctl sets the theme correclty, but when I use the "open in kwrite" context menu entry in dolphin, kwrite opens without the qt5ctl adjustments. Same is true for konqueror. Do I have to fix something in the context menu entry? I use Debian 10/Buster with fluxbox, no plasma desktop is installed.


  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2019-09-06

    Try to add QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME="qt5ct" to /etc/environment

  • Tuxo Holic

    Tuxo Holic - 2019-09-06

    That's already set in Debian using /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99qt5ct. I see it using the env command.

  • trialuser02

    trialuser02 - 2019-09-07

    Looks like dolphin does not use environment variables. Try to change Exec value of kwrite.desktop to something like this:
    kwrite -platform qt5ct %F

  • Tuxo Holic

    Tuxo Holic - 2019-09-07

    Sorry that's not it. Some background task must be occasionally crashing without me noticing. If I login again the issue is gone for while until it reappears. I can't really say whether it is qt5ct or some other background task dolphin is using. All I can say is this: when it appears calling kwrite from the terminal is still running fine with qt5ct.

  • burak

    burak - 2020-08-05

    Might be related to how kde apps behave outside of kde, as dolphin and kate didn't honour my qt5ct theme in my Arch/Fluxbox system as well. I could solve dolphin issue by this workaround, but not kate. So eventually replaced dolphin with pcmanfm-qt and kate with qtextpad.


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