

Andreas Nicolai

Concept Description for Diagrams

Key Principles

  • there can be several diagrams
  • each diagram shows diagram cards for each person
  • direct relations between persons (father/mother) are indicated by connectors
  • diagram cards can be shown/hidden, which also hides/shows their connectors

Data Structures

Class Diagram owns lists with DiagramCard and DiagramConnector. These are kept in sync with the person data in the database.

Each diagram holds a DiagramCard for each person. For each relation specified in Person records a connector is created. Changes in database (person data) requires synchronization of diagram cards and connectors.

Data Synchronization

Whenever database content changes, the diagram data is updated. This is needed because adding/removing persons or changing their parent's references needs updates of connectors.

Synchronization of Persons and DiagramCards

Each diagram card identifies the associated person via ID. Diagram cards for IDs that no longer exist are deleted. Persons that are not yet referenzed via Diagram cards cause a default diagram card to be created.

Note: Person IDs are persistent. Deleting a person and creating a new person does not cause the DB to re-use the same ID.


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