
Tree [428c76] master 0.0.2-prealpha /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 COPYING 2010-08-10 frp frp [a49e8d] Added file COPYING - copy of GNU GPL
 README 2010-08-14 frp frp [8520b8] Renamed to QSQLiteBrowser
 m_window.cpp 2010-08-22 frp-sourceforge frp-sourceforge [428c76] Implemented table creating and basic scheme editor
 m_window.h 2010-08-22 frp-sourceforge frp-sourceforge [428c76] Implemented table creating and basic scheme editor
 m_window.ui 2010-08-14 frp frp [8520b8] Renamed to QSQLiteBrowser
 main.cpp 2010-08-10 frp frp [e30649] Licensed under GNU GPL 2010-08-22 frp-sourceforge frp-sourceforge [428c76] Implemented table creating and basic scheme editor
 scheme_edit.cpp 2010-08-22 frp-sourceforge frp-sourceforge [428c76] Implemented table creating and basic scheme editor
 scheme_edit.h 2010-08-22 frp-sourceforge frp-sourceforge [428c76] Implemented table creating and basic scheme editor
 scheme_edit.ui 2010-08-22 frp-sourceforge frp-sourceforge [428c76] Implemented table creating and basic scheme editor

Read Me

qsqlitebrowser is simple tool to view and edit SQLite databases.

Implemented features:
 * sending user's SQL queries
 * editing and viewing tables using simple GUI

 * editing table scheme
 * creating and deleting tables by GUI
 * improve user interface
 * translate to other languages

If you are interested in this project and/ordetected some bugs or want to get some features, contact me by email:

Program is distributed under GNU GPL. Copy of GNU GPL you can find in file "COPYING"