
qsoLog by KD7KDO / News: Recent posts v25 released is a Python based application written to replace qsoLog and its associated files.
The program is Tkinter window based application for manually entering and editing ham radio QSO logs.

Although this release contains all the old programs written using TCL/TK, these are not required to run
the python standalone program. Other ADIF programs are included for reading and modifying some ADIF files.

Posted by P. Bennett 2023-05-24

New top level program " " supports Windows and Linux

My latest program is written in PYTHON ... and functionally replaces the old qsoLog program.
It is called
It runs both on Windows and Linux

Posted by P. Bennett 2022-11-11

qsoLog version 15 (updated ARRL canadian sections

I entered the new canadian sections GTA ONN ONS and ONE to the checker.
I checked the ADIF ARRL_SECT list and didn't find any other discrepancies, but if I missed one, please let me know.

I also added a couple of python scripts I use for checking our field day logs. They are useful for importing ADIF files and extracting the basic information we need to create an ARRL-dupsheet

73 for now

Posted by P. Bennett 2019-07-08


qsoLog is simple logging program that stores QSO information in ADIF output file, qsoLogBook. The ADIF output file may be uploaded to

Posted by P. Bennett 2004-10-08


cqpLog is CAL QSO PARTY logging program and writes NCCC Cabrillo format output. Also writes qsoLogBook ADIF output file for uploading to

Posted by P. Bennett 2004-10-08