
Can't compile???

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I am having problems compiling the RegQSMP3.pas file.  Here are the specs of my system:
    platform: Slackware 10
    IDE: Kylix 3

    This is what I have done:

    1. Downloaded SDL 1.2.7  --> Ran a ./configure, make, then make install. 

    2. Downloaded smpeg-0.4.4 --> Ran a ./configure, then make all

    3. Download QSMP3, extracted all the contents then compiled libsee_mixer --> ran 'make default all' . Failed the first go, so did 'cc -c c_wrap.c' as suggested, then ran make again.

    4. Opened Delphi and attempted to install RegQSMP3.pas.  Wouldn't compile and gave the following errors:

    [Error] QSMP3.pas(82): Undeclared identifier: 'TSMPEG_Info'
    [Error] QSMP3.pas(100): Undeclared identifier: 'PSMPEG'
    [Error] QSMP3.pas(101): Undeclared identifier: 'PSMPEG_Info'
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(37): Undeclared identifier: 'SMPEG_getinfo'
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(38): ')' expected but identifier 'current_time' found
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(38): 'END' expected but ')' found
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(40): '.' expected but ';' found
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(46): Undeclared identifier: 'SMPEG_getinfo'
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(47): ')' expected but identifier 'current_time' found
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(47): 'END' expected but ')' found
    [Warning] TPosCheckThread.pas(49): Text after final 'END.' - ignored by compiler
    [Hint] TPosCheckThread.pas(18): Private symbol 'Length' declared but never used
    [Hint] TPosCheckThread.pas(21): Private symbol 'getlength' declared but never used
    [Hint] TPosCheckThread.pas(22): Private symbol 'getX' declared but never used
    [Hint] TPosCheckThread.pas(23): Private symbol 'getY' declared but never used
    [Error] TPosCheckThread.pas(25): Unsatisfied forward or external declaration: 'PosCheckThread.Execute'
    [Fatal Error] QSMP3.pas(181): Could not compile used unit 'TPosCheckThread.pas'

    Is there something I have missed or done wrong?


    • Adam

      Adam - 2004-11-30


      Looks like you didn't specify your Directories/Conditionals to the folder containing the files.  However, there are still discrepensies in the source code itself so you won't get much further than you have already got.


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