
qsheff 2.0 is out with its exciting feature sets!

After a hard work that lasts 1.5 year qsheff has become the most
functional content filter and with this release it offers these functionalities:

* Direct connection to ClamAv Antivirus daemon over socket.
* Custom message return option instead of qmail "permanently" error.
* Subject tagging for spam mails.
* Could filter or skip local users.
* Supporting qmailqueue patch.
* Executing antivirus program
* Filtering by subject
* Filtering by body
* Filtering by header lines.
* Regular expressions support.
* Attachment blocking by filenames and extensions
* White/Black list support.
* (network, IP, domain and e-mail address based blocking or permitting)
* Could save all incoming/outgoing mail trafic or just rejected emails
* Single line logging
* Blackhole -- option to return nothing when a virus or spam is found
* Blocking e-mails of broken headers
* Easy installation by the GNU autotools
* Monitoring SPAM traffic with MRTG
* Extendable, fast and simple code
* Easy debugging, bug tracking

I would like to thank to the people who drives the project with their feedbacks.

Baris Simsek

Mon Feb 27 23:56:45 EST 2006

Posted by Baris Simsek 2006-02-28

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