
Tree [33ec0e] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .github 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [33ec0e] feat:First version.
 R 2021-02-05 antonocube antonocube [e31949] Enhanced the signature of QRMonOutliersPlot to ...
 data 2019-02-02 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [c52775] Generated and described package data. (To be us...
 flexdashboards 2021-02-05 antonocube antonocube [75dc66] Implemented joined plots.
 man 2021-02-05 antonocube antonocube [e31949] Enhanced the signature of QRMonOutliersPlot to ...
 notebooks 2020-07-24 antonocube antonocube [9bc4af] Using the updated ExternalParsersHookUp.
 tests 2021-02-05 antonocube antonocube [8d1b4f] More tests for plots with specified colors for ...
 vignettes 2019-04-15 antonocube antonocube [aae416] Changed the 'fractions' argument into 'probabil...
 .Rbuildignore 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [75158f] docs: Adding R-CMD-check badge.
 .gitignore 2019-02-03 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [b1e28e] Update ignores
 .travis.yaml 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [f4fbd0] Better covr specs.
 DESCRIPTION 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [662142] Updates.
 LICENSE 2019-01-20 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [18935f] Initial commit
 NAMESPACE 2021-01-31 antonocube antonocube [03a20a] Implemented variance residuals finding.
 QRMon.Rproj 2019-03-23 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [7d6fcf] Why not. 2021-04-16 antonocube antonocube [75158f] docs: Adding R-CMD-check badge.
 codecov.yml 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [12be83] First version.

Read Me

Quantile Regression Monad in R

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
Codecov test coverage

This repository is for the R implementation of a software monad for Quantile Regression
workflows called Quantile Regression Monad (QRMon).

The R-implementation follows the Mathematica QRMon package
The Mathematica QRMon package is extensively documented with
"A monad for Quantile Regression workflows",

The usage of this R implementation is explained in detail in the vignette
"Rapid making of Quantile Regression workflows".

Here is how to install the package:


Here is a workflow (pipeline) example:

qrmon <-
  QRMonUnit( dfTemperatureData ) %>%
  QRMonEchoDataSummary() %>%
  QRMonQuantileRegression( df = 16, degree = 3, probabilities = seq(0.1,0.9,0.2) ) %>%
  QRMonPlot( datePlotQ = TRUE, dateOrigin = "1900-01-01" )

There is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) parser-interpreter implemented in Raku
that can be used to generate QRMon code using natural language commands; see


Articles, books

[RK1] Roger Koenker,
Quantile Regression,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.

[RK2] Roger Koenker,
"Quantile Regression in R: a vignette",

[AA1] Anton Antonov,
"A monad for Quantile Regression workflows",
MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub.


[RKp1] Roger Koenker,

[AAp1] Anton Antonov,
Quantile Regression Mathematica package,
MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub.

[AAp2] Anton Antonov,
Monadic Quantile Regression Mathematica package,
MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub.

[AAp3] Anton Antonov,
Wolfram Function Repository.


[AAr1] Anton Antonov,
DSL::English::QuantileRegressionWorkflows in Raku,


[AAv1] Anton Antonov,
"Boston useR! QuantileRegression Workflows 2019-04-18",
Anton Antonov at YouTube.

[AAv2] Anton Antonov,
"useR! 2020: How to simplify Machine Learning workflows specifications",
R Consortium at YouTube.