
QPolymer / News: Recent posts

QPolymer-2.2 Released

A few improvements:
1. Set image size.
2. Correct OpenGL bug for Linux under OpenG-2.0.
3. Improve plots, especially on Mac.

Posted by Shi Jin 2007-06-07

QPolymer-2.1 released

Mac OS X binary is added.
Now QPolymer works on Linux, Windows and Mac.

Posted by Shi Jin 2007-05-21

QPolymer-2.0 Released

Major changes:
1. Remove the use of Lapack and use my own eigenvalue decomposition code for the 3x3 matrix.
2. Merge blitz++ and gle into the QPolymer source tree so that the users don't have to take all the trouble of installing them. These two packages haven't been updated for years anyway.
3. Released the binary package for Windows so that users can quickly try out this software.

Posted by Shi Jin 2007-04-26

QPolymer-1.4 Released.

Some improvement in UI and added saving configuration functionality.

Posted by Shi Jin 2006-10-31

QPolymer-1.3 Released.

faster animation.

Posted by Shi Jin 2006-10-27

QPolymer-1.2 Released.

Anti-aliasing added for Fene-P.
A few bug fixes.

Posted by Shi Jin 2006-02-25

QPolymer-1.1 released!

Now almost all possible controls on the parameters are end-user adjustable.

Posted by Shi Jin 2006-02-18

QPolymer-1.0 released!

Finally, the first stable version of QPolymer has been released, with FENE and FENE-P capability.

Posted by Shi Jin 2006-02-17

QPolymer-beta relased

FENE-P is added to QPolymer together with a few other things.

Posted by Shi Jin 2006-02-11

Win32 EXE for download

To get a quick look at what QPolymer is capable of, the easiest way is to get the Windows EXE and run it. Of course it might not work on some machines but the source code is always there.

Posted by Shi Jin 2006-01-26