
QPdf2Swf / News: Recent posts

Official website is now up and running

QPdf2Swf has now an official page on my website. The page has a Romanian and also an English version:

Posted by Silvian Cretu 2007-02-04

A new installation kit for Windows

It seems that the first installation kit for Windows was corrupted. I've just uploaded a working one.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully it won't happen again!

Posted by Silvian Cretu 2006-11-06

The first release

Hi everybody!
Today I released the first version of QPdf2Swf.
This program is designed to make it easier to use pdf2swf especially for Windows users who are not used with command line tools.

- makes the job of working with pdf2swf much easier, especially on Windows, because pdf2swf is a console-only application. QPdf2Swf has a graphical representation for each and every option that pdf2swf has.
- it can spare you from reading pdf2swf's documentation. Each option in QPdf2Swf has some basic info in a tooltip.
- advanced: you can select multiple pdfs to convert, you can extract a separate swf from each page of the pdf, you can pause the conversion, change the options and resume back
- easy translation thanks to Qt Linguist. I've already included a Romanian Language Pack... read more

Posted by Silvian Cretu 2006-10-31