
QP2M / News: Recent posts

QP2M 0.6 beta-testes are rolling

If you haven't noticed beta-tests of QP2M 0.6 are in progress for over two weeks now :)

Please download and help us test it so we can move to the stable release.

Posted by Adam Walczak 2008-03-29

Moving towards QP2M 0.6

For all of you that thought that work on QP2M has been halted I just want to say that QP2M 0.6 is on its way and should be available for download by the end of this month.

I've been working hard on the new release for 3 months now and here are some of the new features that took me that time:
- full compatibility with OpenP2M,
- fully suspendable/resumable transfers,
- the ability to switch accounts while transferring files,
- ability to add custom hosts,
- eliminated all memory leaks,
- and much more...... read more

Posted by Adam Walczak 2008-01-06

First version of QP2M released!

Finally the first version of QP2M (aka. 0.5) has bean released! It's still BETA and has some bugs but it seems to be usable. Hope you enjoy it :)

Posted by Adam Walczak 2007-09-01