
QP GPT / Blog: Recent posts

Added a few more responses

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-06

Jokes and responses in external files

I put the jokes and responses in external files to keep the main code clean.
It's not a difference that users will see, though.

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-06

Added more jokes and responses

I've trained the bot with a few more jokes and responses.

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-06

Turned it into a GUI

I've created the chatbot as a GUI program, but I will have to rework the functionalities.
At the moment it doesn't have anything else than the default response.

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-05

Added more topics

I have added a few more replies besides jokes to make the bot respond to a broader variety of topics.

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-04

Removed multiple-jokes responses

I have disabled responses with multiple jokes at once for now, because it doesn't work as expected yet.

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-04

Added more jokes

I added more jokes to make the bot a bit funnier.

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-04

Minor update: Linebreaks on responses

I have set the limit to maximum 60 characters per line.
If writing another word would exceed this maximum, the program will add a new line and write the whole word on the new line, except cutting off at exactly 60 characters.

Posted by Adeptus Code 2023-08-04