
qmwedit / News: Recent posts

Some of the new features

- Now you can Drag n Drop Files into the editor.
- You can print selections of a file
- The printing is in a highlightmode
- You can zoom in and zoom out.
- linenumbering and caret line
- Split windowing
- Tabbar mode (not stable at the moment)
- EndOfLine converting
- Showing spaces and tabs
- Macros playing recording and saving
- Fullscreen mode

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2005-04-05

Beta4 of qmwedit-0.5

So I have add some new stuff I also removed some unused code. I add and fixed some features of the macro section.

Now its getting more and more stable.

I hope you like it.



Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2005-04-04

New snapshot available

Hi everybody

I have fixed the editor. Now it can be used with all functions.

I have add a new function fullscreen.
find is working again and many more.

At the moment Iadding a tabbar which will be show when the MDI's are maximized. In this version I have disabled it.

I hope you will enjoy it


Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2005-03-11

A snapshot with qscintilla

Hi everybody,
so it has taken a long andsome breaks and restarts to continue with my project. Now I can present a new editor which is based on qscintilla which adds a lot of new features.
Thanks to the qscintilla guys I'm a further to the goal of a useable and good editor. At the moment the editor is not 100% usable because of the integration process of qscintilla.
It has a fix C++ lexer. As soon as possible I will add the other lexers too.
I hope you enjoy this programm. ... read more

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2005-02-17

I'm back!!!

Okay I know I was busy in the last time.
But now I'm back to this project.
I have allready started to implement some new features.

Soon I will release a new version of qmwedit.
So please be patience.

Thanks messi

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2005-01-07

Its getting more stable

In the mean time I fixed various bugs in qmwedit.
This latest snapshot is more stable now.
After testing qmwedit on different plattforms I was able
to locate some stupid nasty bugs.
There are still some bugs in it but it is now more stable then before.

Cheers -J.

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2003-10-15

First snapshot release

This is a first snapshot release. It look to be stable.
This is good to view the progress of the project.
New features:
Dynamic Filedetection
Toolbar settings
Style Setting

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2003-10-08

Qmwedit available from the CVS

Hi everybody,
qmwedit can now be accessed over CVS. You can download the latest version now. If you are a developer you can add your changes now very easy to the project.
Have fun


Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2003-07-17

Finally qmwedit-0.4

Hi everyone. After a long time I can proudly present qmwedit-0.4
I was not able to make a 0.5 version.
Any reports are welcome.
Tanks for waiting

Best regards


Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2003-06-04

qmwedit is under heavy developement

qmwedit is for the next weeks under heavy developement. I made a lot of changes.
In one or two weeks I will releas a new version maybee 0.3.3 or 0.3.2 it depends on how many changes I have made.
I will also upload a new homepage with new screenshots, features, bugs, changes etc.

Thanks for beeing patient.

Best regards

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2002-05-07

qmwedit 0.3.3 soon out

Hi folks,
we are still alive and under heavy developement.
I have almost finished a resturcturing of the base component. With the new releas I will be able to have good settings possebilities in qmwedit. Especially for menubar and toolbar.
I will also add a preview of a project manager.
I hope I can make a release at the end of May.
Thanks for waiting.
Best regards

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2002-04-25

New version 0.3.1

Tousend of new features. It is getting better an better.
See the change- and log-file for more information

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-12-12

Error in in 0.3.0

Hi there,
sorry there is little bug in You have to delete the lines:

Thats all. Those files are for now not neccessary.
Sorry guys


Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-11-12

Version 0.3.0 out now

Hi folks.
Sorry for the delay. Now I have a new version out now. This time you need Qt3.0 I have got a lot of new features. Please report any bugs.
0.3.1 is also in progress. It is coming soon.

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-11-08

New version in the next days

Hi everybody. We (susheel and I ) will release the new version qmwedit 0.3.1 in the next days. There are a lot of new features. The new version is only for Qt3.0.
We will develope only for Qt3.0 and higher because there are so many new features in the new version which are very useful for our project.
Thanks for the waiting. If somebody is interest in developing please contact us. We still need help. Thanks.

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-11-01

New Release for Qt ver 3.0 under development.

The first official (stable) version of Qt, version 3.0 is out, after I must say undergoing some critical but welcome changes. We had found some inconsistencies with the previous the 0.2.x versions of Qmwedit with the new 3.0 version of the library. The new release of the project will be specifically for Qt 3.0. In the meantime download the library and stay tuned in....

Posted by Susheel Raut 2001-10-16

Another delay because of Qt3.0beta4

Hi guys,
I will release the new version after testing with Qt3.0beta4. I'm sure the guys from trolltech have changed a lot of stuff which are relevant for our editor.
Sorry for this delay


Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-09-04

Guys, sorry about the delay.

We are both a bit busy, so the project development is at a snails pace. A new version will come up as soon as either one of us gets time. By that I mean soon!

Posted by Susheel Raut 2001-08-20

Soon! New release for Qt3.0-beat3

Yes. We will release a new version very soon. This version use the syntax highlighting from the designer. We have extract the editor code from the qt-src and included the functionallity in our editor.

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-07-31

Error Error Error

Sorry guys,
I have a wrong clockset on my computer. I have got 2003 instead of 2001.
So you have to make a touch on all files.

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-06-15

Maybee the last version for Qt2.x

Okay, it took a littlebit time but we are checking out the new Qt3.0. Maybee this is the last Qt2.x because there are so many new features in Qt3.0 that we have to change.
Anyway. Ihave add new Icons, function etc. Check out the log and the Change files

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-06-13

New version of the Editor in the next release

An all new updated version of the editor plus a whole lot of updates and bug fixes will be in store in the new version of qmwedit. The editor will now feature support for formatting and open-close bracket analysis.

Posted by Susheel Raut 2001-05-03

New version 0.2.0

A new version is out. I have made a lot of changes.
New dialogs, save messagebox and more. Please check the
log- and the changefile.

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-05-01

Update of syntax highlighting

In the this you have a dialog to change your fonts and colors
of your editors keywords.
The bugs of the ColorMultiLineEdit are fixed by Susheel

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-04-08

New tree class

I have add a new treeitem class. The filetree, classtree and the projtree file are totally rewritten.

Posted by Juergen P. Messerer 2001-03-29