Hello there.
So far I have been trying QMMP, and I have liked it so far. I have installed the ProjectM plugin, and it seems to be working. However, there is only one default preset. I have downloaded more, but I have no idea where do I have to put them or what do I have to do to get the plugin to recognize them.
¿Could anyone help?
Thanks in advance.
Please, provide OS and qmmp versions.
Sorry for forgetting those...
OS: Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon.
QMMP 1.5.2.
Select projectM window and press "M" or use context menu. All available presets should be in the list.
When I do that, there are none in the list. It might be that I need to specify a folder where the presets are, but I cannot find where to assign it.
Check /usr/share/projectM/config.inp . Here is my:
All paths should be correct. Test on mint xfce 20.02 with Qnno package from ppa https://launchpad.net/~forkotov02/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
This worked! The thing is, the presets folder in my PC had a bunch of subfolders and not a preset itself, so I changed that path to one of those subfolders, and it finally worked.
Hello, I have the same situation as described above .
My OS is Debian 11.3, qmmp 1.4.4 (compiled with Qt 5.15.2).
My config's Preset Path is exactly the same as given in the example above:
Preset Path = /usr/share/projectM/presets # preset location
Selecting projectM window and pressing "M" shows an empty list.
After the default install, presets are not changing. There are no preset text files directly present in the "presets" directory - only subdirectories with sets of presets. But when I change the Preset Path to one of those subdirectories everything works fine.
My question is: is qmmp suppose to be able to look "deeper" - within those subdirectories - working with the default path statement (in which case there is a bug because it doesn't) or are users ment to implement one of these solutions:
If it is a known bug with this qmmp version, would you recommend using another and compiling from source instead of the above solutions?
Try latest SVN versions. ProjectM plugin should search for presets recursively now.