
QMC2 0.52 released

QMC2 0.52 has been released, synced with MAME 0.162 which was released earlier today.

Note that because MAME/MESS are unified in one emulator now, both the MESS and UME variants of QMC2 have been dropped! In other words, QMC2 for (SDL)MAME is now what the (SDL)UME variant used to be. QMC2 Arcade and Qt CHDMAN GUI are not affected by this, though.

For details see change-log below!

The source code is now available in the download section. Expect updated binary packages within the next few hours and days.

Have fun,

The QMC2 dev-team

Full change-log for 0.52:

  • fix: corrected visibility switching of the ROM state filter menu (related to the detail-setup overhaul in 0.50)
  • fix: DAT-info database: corrected file modification checking to also work on Windows
  • imp: unified all main GUI variants into one: qmc2-(sdl)mame (because of the unification in MAME) – as a result, you only have to build one binary now and the EMULATOR option as well as variant switching have been removed
  • imp: updated category.ini contributed by ASH to MAME 0.162
  • imp: ROMAlyzer: removed the extra frame around the scanner status and centered it vertically
  • imp: when the emulator binary cannot be identified as MAME this will no longer stop game list processing, instead QMC2 will log a warning and try to continue as if it were MAME (note: bad things can happen if this is not the case!)
  • imp: added new software notes-template macro $SOFTWARE_PARENT_ID$ (bug tracker ID #105)
  • imp: updated the alternative system- and software-notes templates contributed by José Marcio Rezende Franco
  • imp: category view: BIOS and device sets that aren’t available in catver.ini and/or category.ini will now still be inserted as sub-items of their respective categories when the view is created
  • imp: system- and software-notes templates: added a new JavaScript-usable function to open URLs in the system’s default browser (qmc2NEO.openLinkInDefaultBrowser(linkUrl))
  • imp: all former <game> XML entities are handled as / expected to be <machine> entities now
  • inf: project renamed to M.A.M.E. Catalog / Launcher II
  • inf: the old MAWS feature has been dropped in favor of the ProjectMESS feature
Posted by R. Reucher 2015-05-27

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